John Metzler

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John J. Metzler is a longtime U.N. correspondent who has reported from fifty-five countries and regularly visits Europe and the Far East to observe national elections, conflicts, and economic development.

He is the author of Divided Dynamism; The Diplomacy of Separated Nations Germany, Korea and China (University Press of America, 1996). Mr. Metzler writes weekly for Free Press International.

UN Assembly : No answers for perfect storm of conflict

Powerful thunderclaps from the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan rumbled as a dire greeting to the opening UN General Assembly session in New York. Winds from ongoing but unresolved humanitarian crises the world over from Sudan to Syria and Somalia swirled. And a nervous atmosphere of widening conflicts, some still yet to happen, settled over assembled delegates.

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UN Assembly braces as U.S., UK weigh green light for Ukraine

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and potentates are converging in New York for the 79th annual General Assembly of the United Nations. As the 193 member states meet amid the pomp, splendor and promise of a renewed challenge to settle conflicts and solve humanitarian crises, which have stubbornly eluded diplomats over this past year of widening strife, there remain deep political divisions along historic, East/West, and emerging North/South geopolitical fault-lines.

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Winds of war: Russia, China, Iran sense U.S. weakness

The world is entering a new more dangerous security phase; the winds of war which have been lashing parts of the planet for the past few years could well go to gale force and bring us to the verge of a global conflict. Though both the major land clashes in Ukraine and Gaza appear to be largely locked in bloody stalemate, these conflicts could easily escalate and spillover regionally.

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CCP issues 'red line' Taiwan threat, claims South China Sea

The three-day visit of U.S. National Security advisor Jake Sullivan to Beijing had a clear message; “Don’t Rock the Boat.” Chinese/American relations remain very sensitive over trade tariffs, strategic issues, and Beijing’s continuing military threats to democratic Taiwan and the Philippines.

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Benghazi shadows from Obama era: Libya still in crisis

Who remembers Libya? Who recalls how we became embroiled in this civil war only then to quickly lose interest?

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Kabul collapse in 2021 shattered global power balance

The collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban Islamic fundamentalists three years ago on Aug. 15th, signaled an inflection point on the geopolitical scene.

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France's gamble in W. Sahara stuns Marxist Polisario Front

In what’s described as a thunderclap in French North African policy, the Paris government recognized Morocco’s sovereignty over the long disputed Western Sahara, a region long contested by rival Algeria and a lingering subject of endless United Nations deliberations.

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Political chaos in France: 'Jupiter' Macron falls to Earth

France is facing continuing political chaos in the wake of President’s Emmanuel Macron’s vain and failed gambit in calling for unnecessary legislative elections to counterbalance the expected but riveting results of the rightist surge in June’s European Parliamentary voting.

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As world watched debate, credibility of the U.S. imploded

Ten minutes into the debate the Curtain, as in the mythical Kingdom of Oz, was torn back and we saw the President stumble and slip through pretty simple questions from the CNN moderators. By the end of the debate two things were clear; Donald Trump had convincingly won and the Democrats were in meltdown panic mode over the president’s performance.

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D-Day 80th: The Biden-Macron spectacle at Normandy

The somber but uplifting commemorations of the D-Day landings in Normandy, now eighty years ago, shed light on the historic Allied victory of arms, men and spirit.

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In India, Modi magic narrowly garners third term

This year has turned out be the time of major elections; Mexico, South Africa, Taiwan, European Union, Pakistan, Russia, soon the United Kingdom and in November the United States.

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Rumblings in the South Pacific: New Caledonia, nickel, and China

New Caledonia, a remote French overseas territory in the South Pacific, is not often in the news. It’s even less common when you see the truly unexpected cast of characters placing this small island group into an unwanted limelight.

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Political theater continues on Palestine’s UN membership

The United Nations General Assembly massively endorsed a plan which brings the State of Palestine one step closer to full membership in the 193-member multinational body. In a lopsided vote of 143 to 9 with 23 abstentions, the Assembly passed a resolution which seemingly puts Palestine on the long-awaited path to membership.

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Communist leader in Paris: After the Cognac, a cool reception

Paris in the Springtime! A perfect setting and venue for China’s Chairman Xi Jinping to visit to discuss geopolitics and commerce with French President Emmanuel Macron on whose politically pivotal position inside the European Union remains crucial.

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UN committee on N. Korea closes after Russia's veto

In a classic under the political radar ploy, Russia has vetoed a UN committee investigating North Korean nuclear, missile, and banking sanctions violations.

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